Collectively Candice by Candice Mathis

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15 Minute One Pan Moroccan Chicken Recipe | Nutritious + Easy

Hi you guys,

I hope you’re all doing well and hanging in there! I wasn’t planning on sharing this recipe but it was so GOOD and I really feel like we probably all have a version of these ingredients in our pantry + fridge. For that reason, this recipe is super casual - don’t make it too difficult. Anything can be substituted. If you have any questions on changing out any of the ingredients, please feel free to direct message me on Instagram.

I was so obsessed with the True Food Moroccan Chicken dish and without having any prior experience cooking anything Moroccan, I decided to give this a try today since I had similiar ingredients!

This literally took less than 10 minutes to prepare and the clean up was literally, ONE PAN and maybe a plate to season the chicken.

You will need (again, this is casual so everything can be substituted and these are all approximate so use to taste).

1/2 of fresh lemon or lemon pepper seasoning

paprika or pepper

onion seasoning


1/2 cup bone broth or chicken stock / broth

handful of fresh baby spinach

4 tblsp olive tapenade (I bought at trader joes) but you can make your own too

boneless chicken strips - cut finely and pounded if too thick

coconut oil to fry in

Season chicken well with first four ingredients - heavy on paprika. Make sure coconut oil is ready and hot before placing chicken. Do not move chicken until it is perfectly seared (in a regular pan, the chicken will be loose to move around after it is perfectly brown on one side). Flip the chicken and cook until almost well done (this was just a few minutes for me). Add in the bone broth, spinach, and olive tapenade, lower the heat and simmer down to a sauce. (Can also use tomato sauce instead of broth).

Disclaimer: I wrote this recipe from memory so please reach out to me if you have any problems. Also, always feel free to make my recipes your own. That’s what cooking is all about! I test everything I post here typically, but this one has only ever been made ONCE.