Collectively Candice by Candice Mathis

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Second Trimester Recap

You guys know how I struggled with my first trimester. I was sick, tired, and so moody. I welcomed the second trimester with open arms. Most of my pregnancy has been like clock work... you get sick in the first trimester, you get better in the second, you get tired in the third. Yep, I've experienced it all just like that.

feeling better...

About two weeks into my second trimester, around week 15, I started feeling amazing. I was pretty much back to my old self except I had put on a little weight and was completely out of shape. Missing 6-8 weeks of my workouts was BRUTAL. But I pushed through it and now work out 3-4 times a week. Sometimes I just lift weights (slowly and wobbly, lol), but I mostly do Yoga, Barre, and Pilates. I have cellulite and my inner thighs touch and I'm just embracing it for now.

the cravings...

I'm eating healthy again and supplementing with 100 calorie Julie's Organic Ice Cream Sandwiches, Tate's Bake Shop Whole Wheat & Dark Chocolate Chip cookies. I also CRAVE milk and Toaster Strudel's like crazy. Oh, and Dr. Pepper with Sonic ice... so weird right? I fight that one SO HARD. 

got some stuff done...

The energy that the second trimester brought was amazing! I got a lot done around the house ---wishing it was more though. We're just a few days into the third trimester and the brutal AZ summer and I am so exhausted. I fall asleep at least once a day. I've learned to give into one nap and one craving a day -- this really curbs my moodiness. 

i'm so chill these days...

I'm taking it a lot easier these days. Working out, eating healthy, eating ice cream, getting my work done but not letting it stress me out. My days are on my own terms, and I like it that way. I'm spending more time cuddling with Hemingway, because I know it will be a big shock to him when little sister arrives. I tell him all about her and how I want them to be best friends. I think he gets it.

We leave for our baby moon this weekend, the three of us! We're excited to escape the heat and travel as a family for what may be the last rendezvous together, before she arrives.

Leave your questions below for more post on the CCB pregnancy stuff!!