Collectively Candice by Candice Mathis

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The Pagel (Paleo Bagel) | Featuring Bedrock Bakers

If there is ONE thing you can't have when you adapt a healthy lifestyle, it's a bagel. :( :( :( :( I think this is really the only food I struggle with. I LOVE BAGELS. I limit them to just Saturday's or Sunday's these days. So you can imagine when I got wind that some bakery was making PALEO bagels, I was on it. 

I contacted them and asked them to send me some right away. Most of my followers and readers have adapted a low-carb or Paleo diet in some form and I know we ALL love bagels. I really needed to try these. 

Everything that Bedrock Bakers makes is gluten-free, dairy free and Paleo! I'm obsessed with their products. I went for the Everything bagel, which is usually what I would choose at a bakery. I love loading it with eggs, bacon and avocado - or sometimes, just cream cheese. But ALWAYS toasted. IT IS DELICIOUS.

You don't have to be Paleo to enjoy a Pagel. You just have to love delicious food and care about your health.

As avid supporters of the Paleo lifestyle and parents to gluten-free children, the Bedrock Bakers family has had a clean and healthy diet for years. However, they were consistently disappointed with the lack of tasty Paleo and gluten-free baked goods on the market. While on a family vacation they were introduced to cassava flour and it's power to make outstanding bread, bagels, chips, and more. After endless research and lots of inspiration, their Pagel (a Paleo friendly bagel) was born! It was love at first taste for their friends and family who encouraged them to continue baking Paleo and gluten-free mouthwatering goodies. Soon after, Bedrock Bakers was created. Their muffins, cookies, granola and Pagels are made from only the healthiest ingredients. 

Pagel Ingredients: water, cassava flour, almond flour, potato starch, honey, apple cider vinegar, yeast, sea salt, organic egg

Yep, Bedrock Bakers sent me a bag of Pagels for free, but only because I asked them to! I needed a better option and I wanted to share them with you. I'm a forever customer! They're doing great things, how could I not support this company?

Get yours here - they ship nationwide!