He Keeps Me Happy & I Keep Him Healthy | Featuring Hemingway The Weim

He Keeps Me Happy & I Keep Him Healthy | Featuring Hemingway The Weim

If you follow along on Instagram or Snapchat, you might say I'm obsessed with my dog. I would disagree with you. He gives me so much love and brings me so much joy, obsessed is an understatement. He's truly a member of my family. And since I chose him, it's my job and duty to take care of him. I do what it takes to give him the very best of everything! He depends on me to live and I want to give him the best life possible. 

Love Runs Deep | Featuring Barre3

Love Runs Deep | Featuring Barre3

Barre3 is for everyone. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. Instead of being embarrassed to modify when I needed, I feel empowered that I'm an individual with my own needs. It gives me a rewarding endorphin high and lets me avoid the painful stuff that doesn't work for me.

Finding a Fresh Face | Featuring.... Oregano

Finding a Fresh Face | Featuring.... Oregano

It's more about what you put in and less about what you put on. Clearing up acne the natural way seems hopeless, but you'll try anything at this point, right? I'm excited to share this with you, because it was passed on to me and changed my life. 

The Fountain Of Youth | Featuring Vital Proteins

The Fountain Of Youth | Featuring Vital Proteins

Collagen naturally begins to slow down as we age. All signs of aging, including wrinkles, joint pain and overall sagging skin, is because of this.

Quick Tips on Being Healthy | Me & My Pup

Quick Tips on Being Healthy | Me & My Pup

Making healthy choices on a daily basis can actually be easy. But what about when it comes to your pets? I don't know if you saw my previous post, but it's kind of scary how unregulated the food we're feeding our pets can be. I've tried to keep it plain and simple for you here. 

Natural Beauty Mission | Featuring Citrine Natural Beauty Bar

Natural Beauty Mission | Featuring Citrine Natural Beauty Bar

Citrine Natural Beauty Bar is such a beautiful place. I love ALL of their products because they're non-toxic and they WORK. Everything just feels clean, from the design of the store to the ingredients in the products -- what you see is what you get. 



If you're like me, you're always looking for a way to improve your wrinkles and fine lines without any downtime!!! Micro-needling is a quick (and painless, might I add) procedure that will give you smoother, firmer, and younger looking skin. NO, really. And the device I use costs less than $15. THIS IS NOT AN AD. This is life-changing.

Would YOU Eat Your Dog's Food? | Featuring NomNomNow

Would YOU Eat Your Dog's Food? | Featuring NomNomNow

The real question is: COULD you eat your dog's food without getting sick? Our dogs deserve real food. 

Did you know...

40% of dogs are obese.

46% of dogs and 39% of cats now die of cancer.

Heart, kidney, and liver disease are epidemics.



Organic Skincare Mission | Featuring Greenwell & Co

Organic Skincare Mission | Featuring Greenwell & Co

Recent studies have revealed some shocking information about the ingredients in our everyday beauty products. And sadly, Khiels is right there with those (SAD SAD SAD). I have been on the hunt to replace my (beautiful, beloved) lotion for about a year now but NOTHING…and I mean nothing has even compared. I always come crying back, begging my giant bottle of Creme de Corps for forgiveness. But not this time. I’m on a mission to replace ALL of my toxic beauty products, which you know, if you’ve been keeping up. THAT MEANS THE CORPS.

I never thought in a million years that I would be replacing it with a product that was made in my hometown (that, according to Google, has a population of 2,849). I needed a product that was safe but most importantly EFFECTIVE. I needed something exactly like Khiels, but I found something better: Greenwell & Co Luxe Natural Skincare!

CCB Wellness Shots

CCB Wellness Shots

Let's face it, being healthy is expensive business. I don't see it getting better anytime soon, so until then.... DIY. I mean, I didn't invest in this Vitamix for nothing. 

These CCB Wellness Shots are EVERYTHING you need to kick and prevent those bugs out there. If you do NOTHING else to be healthy, do this. Thank me later.

The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

My obsession started a few years ago when I had a major reliance on acid reducers (aka, proton pump inhibitors... aka Nexium, etc). I was on a ski trip in Aspen a week before my foot surgery and I was taking Advil every single day to combat the altitude sickness. Little did I know, I was creating a major peptic ulcer that I would have for many years.

Lavender Essential Oil: Oasis

Lavender Essential Oil: Oasis

I'm sharing my favorite stress reliever today. This little oil is the only reason I'm alive after ALL THIS TRAVEL. Lavender has MANY benefits but STRESS RELIEF is my favorite one. Read my favorite ways to use it HERE!

Safe & Effective Beauty Products | Featuring Beautycounter

Safe & Effective Beauty Products | Featuring Beautycounter

You see, ALL of the ingredients in your products get absorbed by the largest organ your body has (aka the skin). They immediately sink into your blood stream -- and I'm here to tell you, a lot of the ingredients, even the ones APPROVED by U.S. law, are NOT safe. They are harming you.

The Everyday Smoothie

The Everyday Smoothie

If you're struggling with weight-loss because you're always hungry and you never have energy - start drinking this shake every single morning and let it transform your life! Not only will you have energy - you will literally GLOW.

Nail Polish: Scary Findings & a Solution | Featuring Londontown

Nail Polish: Scary Findings & a Solution | Featuring Londontown

YES, Londontown reached out to me about their nail products but when I started researching the reason they're not using "traditional nail polish ingredients" I was shocked. 

Researchers at Duke University found these chemicals in the bodies of more than two-dozen women who participated in a biomonitoring study. This is insane!! These chemicals are endocrine disruptors, meaning they can cause birth defects, cancerous tumors, and other developmental disorders controlled by hormones.

I've been polishing my nails since as far back as I can remember. This information is not only alarming, but it makes me furious. The sad part is that it's not even new! I feel like I've been living under a rock. How did I not know this? MUST READ.


Eucalyptus Hybrid by Maple Holistics | Product Review

Eucalyptus Hybrid by Maple Holistics | Product Review

Turn an ordinary bath into a therapeutic spa with Eucalyptus Hybrid Bath Salts. Made with the purest ingredients of the highest quality, this premium bath salt package combines pure Dead Sea salt with their unique Eucalyptus Hybrid Formula to deliver the most therapeutic value a bath soak can offer.

The Cryotherapy Experience | Featuring Cryohealthcare

The Cryotherapy Experience | Featuring Cryohealthcare

Cryotherapy uses extremely low temperatures to treat symptoms such as tissue damage and can also decrease inflammation, boost metabolism, improve skin tone, and reduce signs of aging. 

Throw Your Old Deodorant Away | Featuring Native

Throw Your Old Deodorant Away | Featuring Native

Constantly sick? It could be your deodorant. Read more to find out why I waited so long to write this article, even though I'm extremlely passionate about the topic.