Cozy Holiday Cocktails

Cozy Holiday Cocktails

If you're like me, then you've been cooking for like 12 hours and could really use a cocktail. Also, it's likely that one of your family members is going to bring up politics and you really don't want to be empty-handed for that. Then, there's also the family member that will judge you/shame you for drinking ... insert cocktails that don't look like cocktails. LIVE YOUR LIFE.

These are two of my favorites AND they're appropriately served in a coffee cup. 

dropped the ball on vday plans? whether you're single, the man, the woman, or something else. . . this post is for you.

I LOVE Valentine's Day! And I like doing stuff on Valentine's Day, like 80% of women. I also don't wait on my husband to make the plans because well, he's not a mind reader and I'm just way more creative in that space. So whether you're single - loving yourself (or having a girl's night), the man, the woman, something else. . . this post is for you. Keep reading. 


Valentine's Day Table

Valentine's Day Table


It's February 13 and you forgot to make plans for Valentine's Day? . . . all of the perfect reservations are taken? Whomp. 



Going out on busy days such as Valentine's Day can be a bit overwhelming and actually, not that romantic. I'm all about easy right now (and all about keeping the romance alive, too). And although you see this beautiful decadent chocolate cake in these pictures, you can bet that was easy too. Sometimes you make plans and they just don't work out. I lost my grocery list on the way to the grocery store and . . . well, decided to wing it and grab some boxed cake. So if you want the decadent cake recipe . . . here it is

So what to do if you don't have ANY plans. . .  you channel your inner cupid and get creative with your living space. All it takes is one inexpensive trip to Trader Joe's for a dozen beautiful long-stem roses (for $12.99), truffle ravioli (that takes 3 minutes to prepare), delicious macarons (frozen aisle, 20 minutes and they're ready to eat), French Rosé and maybe some chocolate cake. Because chocolate cake is sexy.



Make your woman or man happy with a V-day night in. Light some candles and check out the Vanessa Paradis station on Pandora. Lighting and music can make the most romantic ambience if done right. DO IT RIGHT.



Spend the afternoon chatting about life and love. Or, break out the fun board games you used to play when you were younger. Or buy some new games at your local "fun" shop. . . why not?



Last but not least, look your best. Whether you're in your comfy new PJs or dressed up for a night out (in). . . wear your favorite cologne or perfume (or better yet, their favorite perfume or cologne) and make the afternoon about the one you love. 



Love is meant to be celebrated and date night on the night of LOVE, is the ultimate celebration. 




Happy Valentine's Day from Shitty Date Night and Kale Or Whale. L-O-V-E




For those of you who LOVE to entertain, the holidays are the perfect time for it! I absolutely love throwing parties – preferably dinner parties. I love the planning, shopping and cooking. The cleaning part, not so much – but if you live in a big city, you can hire a task rabbit and not worry yourself with playing bartender and clean-up lady.