Airport Hacks & Tips


Have you ever been in a frantic state running semi late but kind of on time for your flight? And then when you are going to check your bag the scale reads ten pounds over? But it’s like you need all three lotions, the extra four outfits, and that magic bullet blender for your morning smoothie ritual. So there you are on the “God knows what has been on here” airport floor trying to do a bag shuffle and make it work, all while trying to catch your flight in time. 

Believe me I have had plenty of these moments in my life, and NEVER want to go back. So I think I have traveled enough in my lifetime to get the stressful part out of the way and actually enjoy the travel time.

Here's 3 hacks and tricks so you never have to suffer at the airport again:

  1. Luggage scales, this is something you should invest in if you travel often, and can never meet the weight requirements for checked bags. This way you know what weight you are at before you leave the house and can make the appropriate adjustments. This SAVES me. My fave here.
  2. Time can only take you so far if you’re the “late to everything” type. But initially it is up to you! If you have an early AM flight and do not think you will make it on time or have enough time in the airport then keep reading. Don’t schedule 6am flights. Set multiple alarms, I mean like ten and only five minutes apart. Trust me this will wake you up! Plan on arriving an hour before your boarding time (if you have TSA recheck, if not, you should consider arriving earlier.) This gives you enough time to check in, go through security, grab a coffee, and make it to your gate.
  3. Security, I know it is such a drag but would definitely prefer to take off my shoes and put them back on and be safe, then to not be safe. There are a few different routes you can go with this one. First option is to sign up for TSA pre-check, I would highly recommend this if you travel often, this will save you plenty of time in the security line. Another great option is CLEAR, it is another speedy security option. Using only your finger print or eye, you can get through the tough part with ease. For those every so often travelers, wear easy to slip on and off shoes, place your baggies of liquids on top of your carry on ready to pull out, if you have jewelry to go with your outfit put it in your bag and put it on after you pass through security.

Random Tips:

  1. If you NEED your morning coffee try and hold off until you are past security. They will make you throw it away. But I think airports actually kind of just get it because chances are there is some kind of coffee shop located in your gate. 
  2. Bring a sweater or jacket, planes get so cold!
  3. Hand sanitizer. Bring it. Use it. 
  4. Bring your own source of entertainment. A book, headphones, work, sleep. Honestly anything if you do not want to get stuck talking to your seat neighbor the ENTIRE flight. 
  5. Pack snacks.
  6. If you check a bag, try to fit everything else in a smallish sized bag to carry onto the plane. This will be easy to fit under your feet, or in the overhead bin. Which will maximize your space on the plane, making if more comfortable. 

    Just remember, the airport is temporary and you will be out of the germs chaos very soon.