Cauliflower Scramble


There's nothing I love more than a meal that feels indulgent but actually isn't. QUITE the opposite, actually. 

Thanks to an old friend (and my wedding personal trainer) Ashley, I now have a new favorite healthy breakfast that feels much more like a hangover brunch. 

I use cauliflower in place of potatoes ALL the time, but I never thought to use them like hash browns in a scramble. YES PLEASE. 

First, I fry the grated cauliflower in coconut oil and truffle oil, then I add two eggs and hot sauce. It's that simple. 

If you don't have access to a Trader Joe's where the cauliflower is already grated for you, you can just grate a head of cauliflower yourself. 


Adding bacon or Soppressata would make this extra delicious. I like to add Tapatio as well, but Cholula would go well with it too. 

Why would we swap potatoes for cauliflower? Well, potatoes contain more calories than cauliflower, with 134 compared to the 28 in a single serving, for one.

Cauliflower contains an array of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals. 

Don't get me wrong, potatoes and cauliflower are both nutritious sources of key vitamins. But when compared side by side, it's very easy to tell that cauliflower is the healthier choice.

Boiled cauliflower contains significantly more vitamin C with 55 mg in each 1-cup serving. Pureed cauliflower provides 54 micrograms of folate and 17.2 micrograms of vitamin K, two nutrients not present in significant amounts in potatoes.

The full comparison between a half cup of plain, boiled white potatoes and a half cup of plain, boiled cauliflower - 

white potatoes
67.1 calories
1.3 g protein
15.6 g carbs
0.1 g fat

14.3 calories
1.1 g protein
2.5 g carbs
0.3 g fat

Cauliflower also wins in the folate, B2, calcium and vitamins K & C, department.

The most important factor to consider though is Glycemic Index. Potatoes can raise your blood sugar extremely fast because they have a higher glycemic index (than even refined white sugar because of the way the body processes them). Cauliflower, in contrast, has a very low GI of 15. This means it will have a minor effect, if any, to your blood glucose levels. (In case you forgot, this is what makes you store fat in your midsection).

Cauliflower Fun Facts

1. Fight Cancer

2. Boost Heart Health

3. It's Anti-Inflammatory

4. It's Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

5. Boost Your Brain Health

6. Detoxification Support

7. Digestive Benefits

8. Antioxidants and Phytonutrients Galore


Also pictured at the top of this delicious post is my favorite bread, jam, and ghee snack! 


Ashley has a ton of great ideas! Follow her on Instagram and get inspired. 


Sources here and here.


Hello, World!