This Year's Boot


I met Kier at a Hollywood after-party in 2010. I don't remember much from the party but Kier was nice to me and made an impression because for one, she's was gorgeous, and two ... she told me how to pronounce her name by motioning her hands like she was turning a key and expanding them as "air"... There you have it, KEY-AIR, Kier. We didn't necessarily hang out alone or anything. We would see each other at parties and things like that. I eventually moved to SF and got a serious-ish job and we really didn't keep in touch. I had her on social media and started following along on her blog once she launched it. I was so fascinated by her blogger life. I had always wanted to start a blog, mostly because I had serious passions about a few things and I didn't really know how to turn them all into a job. When I expressed interest and reached out to her, she was all for it. She said she tells everyone to start a blog because it's the best thing she ever did! She helped me get started but it was a lot more work than I initially thought it would be. Going to school full time and working full time really kept my blogging at a minimum. 

But it did keep me and Kier in touch. We would see each other each year at Coachella. And even though we both knew at least 100 (more) people there that we wouldn't make an effort to see, for some reason we would always meet up just to say "hey" for a few seconds and be on our way  -- anyone that's ever been to Coachella knows how tough that is. After I retired from Coachella I would see Kier all over the place. We were even randomly in Paris at the same time and met up for drinks. 

A couple of weeks ago I posted a photo to my stories of a pair of boots that cost 10K. She immediately responded to me and let me know that Jessica Simpson makes a pair that are similar, but without the crazy price tag. So we decided to partner up and style them. We are both traveling this weekend and didn't have much time but it's been really fun putting pieces together for this. 

I fell in love with this dress. I don't usually go for green but I thought it was a beautiful color as we head into Fall. The boots are even better in person. I think they are SO EXTRA and I love it. The slouch gives it a bit of a casual vibe which works well for me. I am BLOWN AWAY by the detail and how well they are made.

 I wanted to go sporty with this look but I thought that's too ME. So I changed it up a bit and dressed up. I'm still going to ALWAYS keep it simple though. Let me know your thoughts below.



Boots were gifted.