the best shrimp recipe ever

KOW 2016-03-29 shrimpdishpost1.jpg

I make shrimp a lot at home. It's super easy to prep (and if you don't have time to prep, you can buy it prepped) and it cooks in less than 6 minutes. It really feels like an indulgence but it's not!! 

"Shrimp has low-fat and low-calorie protein, a four ounce serving of shrimp supplies 23.7 grams of protein for a mere 112 calories and less than a gram of fat. Shrimp is a very good source of vitamin D. This vitamin regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is essential for strong teeth and bones." -- Natural Food Benefits

UBBBBsessed with these plates. Sorry I'm ADD.

My favorite pairing with shrimp is obviously carbs. Carbs just go really well with these little guys. I usually like to make some type of grits or pasta because YUM!

But with this dish, I made an organic whole grain fusilli pasta and broccolini. Totally delicious.


You will need. . .

3 cloves of minced garlic

1/3 cup olive oil

1/2 cup tomato sauce

3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar

3 tablespoons of freshly chopped basil

1/2 teaspoon of himalayan salt

1/2 tablespoon of black peppercorn

1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

1.5 pounds of fresh butterflied shrimp

Improve your spice game.


In a bowl, stir your garlic, olive oil, tomato sauce, and red wine vinegar together. Season with basil, salt, peppercorn, and cayenne pepper. Add shrimp to the bowl, and stir until evenly coated. Cover, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour, stirring once or twice.

Using a spoon, remove shrimp from bowl and sauté in coconut oil (for crispness) a few minutes on each side until cooked completely (do not overcook).  Add more basil while sautéing. 

Voila! -- If you're making pasta, try topping it with freshly shaved parmesan!


Shrimp recipe inspiration from here and here

All shrimp everything!!